Increases in power price forecasts provide boost for Bluefield, Octopus Renewables

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Bluefield Solar delivers increased profits and a raised dividend for H1

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Bluefield acquires development rights for 20MW battery storage site

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Bee populations could be supported by changes to solar PV management

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Solar Energy UK advises local authorities on PV procurement

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Successful fundraise for the Bluefield Solar Income Fund

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Bluefield Solar expands renewables exposure

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QuotedData’s ESG Conference – Bluefield Webinar

James Armstrong speaks as part of QuotedData’s ‘Environmental Day’ on the 24th November 2020, presenting an ESG-focused webinar.

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Guernsey Green Finance Case Study – Bluefield Solar

Case study produced in collaboration with Guernsey Green Finance highlighting Bluefield Solar’s positive environmental activities.

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Bluefield’s £107 million acquisition, increasing portfolio capacity to 543MWp

Read the article here.

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