Fund sustainability1
BSIF’s Purpose
Renewable Energy, Delivered Responsibly2
BSIF drives shareholder returns whilst promoting positive environmental and social value3 through its work as a pioneering and responsible renewables fund. In addition to contributing to the decarbonisation of the UK energy sector, BSIF aims to support nature across its sites, including through annual biodiversity assessments and site-specific ecological enhancements.

Sustainability in numbers
836GWh+ 4
Renewable energy generated
173k+ 5
Tonnes of CO2e savings achieved
288k+ 6
Houses powered with renewable energy
£253k+ 7
Paid to community benefit schemes

As a pioneer in the industry, BSIF has always had an environmental focus.
Climate action is at the forefront of the sustainability agenda, and the renewables industry plays an important role in climate change mitigation through decarbonisation of the energy markets.

BSIF recognises the opportunities and value that ESG considerations present, and the positive value which can be delivered by BSIF’s portfolio in addition to financial returns. At the same time, BSIF recognises the potential harmful impacts that come with being part of the renewables industry, whether these are environmental impacts relating to construction, or social risks within the wider supply chain .
As part of BSIF’s responsible investment approach, it considers both the positive and adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors, and produces a ‘Principal Adverse Impact’ (PAI) statement annually .
In line with the environmental characteristics it promotes, BSIF is categorised as an Article 8 fund under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, and aligns its portfolio with the EU Taxonomy.
Sustainability-related disclosuresBSIF’s ESG Vision
BSIF is helping to mitigate climate change through decarbonisation of the UK energy sector, whilst delivering long-term dividends to its shareholders.
BSIF recognises that being a renewables fund does not mean that it can remove itself from wider environmental, social, and governance topics and has committed to further developing its due diligence processes and requirements of its suppliers and contractors. BSIF believes that the assets within its fund have a part to play at the local, as well as at the national, level, and aims to enhance nature at its sites and integrate this into local community engagement, recognising the interconnection between ecological and climate impact.
BSIF’s ESG strategy
BSIF’s purpose is to drive shareholder returns while promoting positive environmental and social value. This aims to be achieved through the three key pillars of its ESG strategy, which encompasses:
Climate change mitigation
Supporting the UK with its Net Zero carbon ambition whilst aligning to the TCFD recommendations.
Pioneering positive local impact
Considering and, where possible, enhancing nature and encouraging community engagement at the local level throughout the asset lifecycle1.
Generating energy responsibly
A commitment to help drive ethical practices within its operations and throughout its supply chain.
These three pillars reflect BSIF’s priority focus areas as identified by stakeholders, regulatory requirements (including the EU SFDR, EU Taxonomy and TCFD), and ESG reporting frameworks (such as SASB).
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been mapped against each pillar, with eight goals identified where BSIF believes it can have a positive contribution.
Read more about BSIF’s sustainability efforts in its most recent ESG report.
View ESG reportResponsible investment
Sustainability risks are integrated into BSIF’s investment processes: please refer to the Sustainable Investment Policy for more information.
Sustainable investment policy
Asset and operational management
In line with BSIF’s sole focus on renewable energy, the ESG strategy continues to be integrated across portfolio-related activities. Collaboration between the Bluefield companies, including between development, investment, asset management and O&M teams, aids this process.
Commitments and KPIs have been developed to enable BSIF to monitor and evidence it’s ESG performance over time. The Bluefield companies work together to facilitate the collection, analysis, and monitoring of ESG data across the portfolio, to enable reporting against these KPIs and regulatory frameworks.
About Bluefield
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1 The sustainability information provided on this website relate to the investment cycle of the product (which does not include the manufacturing or end-of-life processing of materials).
2 Delivered responsibly / responsible / responsible approach refers to the integration of ESG across the investment lifecycle (which does not include the manufacturing or end-of-life processing of materials).
3 Social value being delivered through community benefit payments and educational initiatives on-site.
4-7 as at 30 June 2023
Disclaimer: NOTICE FOR UK PERSONS ACCESSING THIS PAGE: This page contains links to certain historical documents which were issued as at the date specified on each linked document. Such documents have not been reviewed in light of any subsequent regulatory guidance or market practice and should be used only for information or reference purposes. Any investment decision should be based exclusively on the formal offer and subscription documents for the relevant investment product, and not these historical documents.
- 1. Asset lifecycle, end to end, full value chain – does not include the manufacturing or end-of-life processing of materials.